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Giỏ hàng của tôi

The word “its” in paragraph 2 refers to ___________.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.

Smallpox was the first widespread disease to be eliminated by human intervention. Known as a highly contagious viral disease, it broke out in Europe, causing the deaths of millions of people until the vaccination was invented by Edward Jenner around 1800. In many nations, it was a terror, a fatal disease until very recently. Its victims suffer high fever, vomiting and painful, itchy, pustules that left scars. In villages and cities all over the world, people were worried about suffering smallpox.

In May, 1966, the World Health Organization (WHO), an agency of the United Nations was authorized to initiate a global campaign to eradicate smallpox. The goal was to eliminate the disease in one decade. At the time, the disease posed a serious threat to people in more than thirty nations. Because similar projects for malaria and yellow fever had failed, few believed that smallpox could actually be eradicated but eleven years after the initial organization of the campaign, no cases were reported in the field.

The strategy was not only to provide mass vaccinations but also to isolate patients with active smallpox in order to contain the spread of the disease and to break the chain of human transmission. Rewards for reporting smallpox assisted in motivating the public to aid health workers. One by one, each small-pox victim was sought out, removed from contact with others and treated. At the same time, the entire village where the victim had lived was vaccinated.

By April of 1978 WHO officials announced that they had isolated the last known case of the disease but health workers continued to search for new cases for additional years to be completely sure. In May, 1980, a formal statement was made to the global community. Today smallpox is no longer a threat to humanity. Routine vaccinations have been stopped worldwide.

Câu 310716: The word “its” in paragraph 2 refers to ___________.

A. the disease          

B.  the terror         

C. the vaccination    

D. the death

Câu hỏi : 310716

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    Từ “its” ở đoạn 2 ám chỉ đến

    A. căn bệnh

    B. sự khủng bố, khủng khiếp

    C. sự tiêm ngừa vắc-xin

    D. sự chết chóc

    Thông tin: Smallpox was the first widespread disease to be eliminated by human intervention. Known as a highly contagious viral disease, it broke out in Europe, causing the deaths of millions of people until the vaccination was invented by Edward Jenner around 1800. In many nations, it was a terror, a fatal disease until very recently. Its victims suffer high fever, vomiting and painful, itchy, pustules that left scars. In villages and cities all over the world, people were worried about suffering smallpox.

    Tạm dịch: Bệnh đậu mùa là căn bệnh phổ biến đầu tiên được loại bỏ bằng sự can thiệp của con người. Được biết đến như một căn bệnh siêu vi rất dễ lây lan, nó đã bùng phát ở châu Âu, gây ra cái chết của hàng triệu người cho đến khi vắc-xin được Edward Jenner phát minh vào khoảng năm 1800. Ở nhiều quốc gia, đây là một căn bệnh khủng khiếp, một căn bệnh gây tử vong cho đến gần đây. Nạn nhân của nó bị sốt cao, nôn mửa và đau đớn, ngứa, mụn mủ để lại sẹo. Ở các làng và thành phố trên khắp thế giới, mọi người lo lắng về bệnh đậu mùa.

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