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Giỏ hàng của tôi

Fill in the blanks with the most suitable sentences

Money plays an important part in our lives. In several aspects, it is the most important thing in life. It is therefore much sought after.

Without money we could not buy our food, clothes and all the other things that we need to live comfortably. We require money to travel, to buy medicine when we are ill and also to pay for the services rendered to us by others.                                 (32)                                             . Most of our activities are therefore directed towards earning as much money as possible.

We use money not only to meet the basic needs of life but also to pay for our own advancement. We use it for education which helps us to live a better life.                              (33)                                           . Lack of money also causes great hardship and sorrow in hundreds of families. Thousands of people are dying everyday throughout the world because they are not able to pay their doctors fee or because they cannot buy nutritious food.

                                    (34)                                                   . Some are driven by hunger and desperation to steal, rob, and even kill to get at least what they require to keep body and soul together. Others commit the most serious crimes out of sheer greed for money. Such people cause much trouble and unpleasantness in society, and to bring them to justice, large sums of money are spent by every government.

Today, millions of dollars are being spent by the various governments in the world for the betterment of the people. Numerous schools and hospitals are being built, and hundreds of acres or land are being cultivated to produce more food for the growing population of the world. As a result, the world is gradually becoming a better place to live in.

                                             (35)                                        . Countries which have more money than the others have become more powerful by strengthening their armed forces. This has led to rivalries among the powerful nations, and several parts of the world are in turmoil. All this shows what an important part money plays in human affairs.

Fill in the blanks with the most suitable sentences

Money plays an important part in our lives. In several aspects, it is the most important thing in life. It is therefore much sought after.

Without money we could not buy our food, clothes and all the other things that we need to live comfortably. We require money to travel, to buy medicine when we are ill and also to pay for the services rendered to us by others.                                 (32)                                             . Most of our activities are therefore directed towards earning as much money as possible.

We use money not only to meet the basic needs of life but also to pay for our own advancement. We use it for education which helps us to live a better life.                              (33)                                           . Lack of money also causes great hardship and sorrow in hundreds of families. Thousands of people are dying everyday throughout the world because they are not able to pay their doctors fee or because they cannot buy nutritious food.

                                    (34)                                                   . Some are driven by hunger and desperation to steal, rob, and even kill to get at least what they require to keep body and soul together. Others commit the most serious crimes out of sheer greed for money. Such people cause much trouble and unpleasantness in society, and to bring them to justice, large sums of money are spent by every government.

Today, millions of dollars are being spent by the various governments in the world for the betterment of the people. Numerous schools and hospitals are being built, and hundreds of acres or land are being cultivated to produce more food for the growing population of the world. As a result, the world is gradually becoming a better place to live in.

                                             (35)                                        . Countries which have more money than the others have become more powerful by strengthening their armed forces. This has led to rivalries among the powerful nations, and several parts of the world are in turmoil. All this shows what an important part money plays in human affairs.

Câu 1:                           (32)                       

A. In truth, money is almost dispensable to our survival.  

B. In truth, money is almost indispensable to our survival.

C. In truth, money is definitely  indispensable to our survival.

D. In truth, money is almost invaluable to our survival.

Câu hỏi : 147877
  • Đáp án : B
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:


    Câu phía trước nói lên ích lợi của tiền: We require money to travel, to buy medicine when we are ill and also to pay for the services rendered to us by others (Chúng ta cần tiền để đi du lịch, mua thuốc khi chúng ta bị bệnh và cũng để trả tiền cho các dịch vụ cung cấp bởi những người khác)

    Vì thế câu phía sau sẽ là lời khẳng định rằng: In truth, money is almost indispensable to our survival. (Sự thật thì tiền bạc hầu như không thể thiếu cho sự tồn tại của chúng ta.)

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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Câu 2:                 (33)                    

A. Thousands of students are able to attend school or continue their studies for want of money  

B. Thousands of students are unable to attend school or continue their studies for want of money

C. Thousands of students are unable to attend school or continue their studies in spite of  much money

D. Thousands of students are able  to attend school or continue their studies for lack of money

Câu hỏi : 147878
  • Đáp án : B
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:


    Câu phía trước: We use it for education which helps us to live a better life (Chúng ta sử dụng nó cho giáo dục giúp chúng ta sống một cuộc sống tốt hơn)

    Câu phía sau: Lack of money also causes great hardship and sorrow in hundreds of families. (Thiếu tiền cũng gây ra sự đau khổ và nỗi buồn trong hàng trăm gia đình.)

    Vì thế câu ở giữa có thể đoán được liên quan đến sự cần thiết có tiền để học tập, cụ thể: Thousands of students are unable to attend school or continue their studies for want of money (Hàng ngàn học sinh không thể đến trường hoặc tiếp tục học vì mong muốn kiếm tiền)

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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Câu 3:                       (34)                                   

A. Although  money is so important, few crimes are committed everyday in all parts or the world to gain possession of it  

B. However,  money is so important, many crimes are committed everyday in all parts or the world to lose  possession of it

C. Therefore, money is so unimportant, many crimes are committed everyday in all parts or the world to gain possession of it

D. As money is so important, many crimes are committed everyday in all parts or the world to gain possession of it

Câu hỏi : 147879
  • Đáp án : D
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:


    Câu phía sau: Some are driven by hunger and desperation to steal, rob, and even kill to get at least what they require to keep body and soul together (Một số bị điều khiển bởi đói và tuyệt vọng đến nỗi phải đi ăn cắp, cướp, và thậm chí giết người để có ít nhất những gì mà họ cần để giữ cho cơ thể và tâm hồn với nhau)

    Vì thế câu phía trước phù hợp là: As money is so important, many crimes are committed everyday in all parts or the world to gain possession of it (Do tiền bạc quan trọng như vậy, hàng ngày có nhiều tội phạm trong tất cả các phần hay toàn thế giới để sở hữu được nó)

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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Câu 4:                    (35)                    

A. At the same time, however, much money is being wasted in producing deadly weapons of war.

B. At the same time, moreover, much money is being used  in producing useful weapons of war.

C. At the same time, therefore, much money is being spent  in producing powerful weapons of war.

D. At the same time, however, little  money is being allocated  in producing deadly weapons of war.

Câu hỏi : 147880
  • Đáp án : A
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:


    Câu phía sau: Countries which have more money than the others have become more powerful by strengthening their armed forces. (Các nước có nhiều tiền hơn so với những nước khác trở nên hùng mạnh hơn bằng cách tăng cường lực lượng vũ trang của mình.) => Tăng cường thế lực khi 1 quốc gia có nhiều tiền hơn

    Vì thế, câu phía trước phải điền là: At the same time, however, much money is being wasted in producing deadly weapons of war. (Tuy nhiên, cùng với đó, nhiều tiền đang bị phung phí trong sản xuất vũ khí chết người của chiến tranh.)

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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Tham Gia Group Dành Cho 2K7 luyện thi Tn THPT - ĐGNL - ĐGTD

>> Lộ Trình Sun 2025 - 3IN1 - 1 lộ trình ôn 3 kì thi (Luyện thi TN THPT & ĐGNL; ĐGTD) tại Đầy đủ theo 3 đầu sách, Thầy Cô giáo giỏi, 3 bước chi tiết: Nền tảng lớp 12; Luyện thi chuyên sâu; Luyện đề đủ dạng đáp ứng mọi kì thi.

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(Thời gian hỗ trợ từ 7h đến 22h)