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Giỏ hàng của tôi

Read the passage carefully and choose correct answer for each question below.Education is another area of social life in which information technology is changing the way we communicate. Today's college students may not simple sit in a lecture or a library to learn about their field. Through their computers and the wonders of virtual reality they can participate in lifelike stimulated experiences. Consider the following scenario of the future of education made possible through developments in information technology.For children over the age of 10, daily attendance at schools is not compulsory. Some of the older children attend school only once or twice a week to get tutorial support or instruction from a teacher. For the most part, pupils are encouraged to work online from home. Students should complete a minimum number of study hour per year; however, they may make up these hours by studying at home at times that suit their family schedule. They can log on early or late in the day and even join live classes in other countries. In order to ensure that each student is learning adequately, computer software will automatically monitor the number hours a week each student studies online as well as student's learning materials and assessment activities. Reports will be available for parents and teachers. The software can then identify the best learning activities and conditions for each individual student and generate similar activities. It can be also identify areas of weak achievement and produce special programs adjusted to the students' needs.

Read the passage carefully and choose correct answer for each question below.Education is another area of social life in which information technology is changing the way we communicate. Today's college students may not simple sit in a lecture or a library to learn about their field. Through their computers and the wonders of virtual reality they can participate in lifelike stimulated experiences. Consider the following scenario of the future of education made possible through developments in information technology.For children over the age of 10, daily attendance at schools is not compulsory. Some of the older children attend school only once or twice a week to get tutorial support or instruction from a teacher. For the most part, pupils are encouraged to work online from home. Students should complete a minimum number of study hour per year; however, they may make up these hours by studying at home at times that suit their family schedule. They can log on early or late in the day and even join live classes in other countries. In order to ensure that each student is learning adequately, computer software will automatically monitor the number hours a week each student studies online as well as student's learning materials and assessment activities. Reports will be available for parents and teachers. The software can then identify the best learning activities and conditions for each individual student and generate similar activities. It can be also identify areas of weak achievement and produce special programs adjusted to the students' needs.

Quảng cáo

Câu 1: What is the topic of the passage?

A. Students don't have to go to school any more

B. Computer software will make sure students learn at home

C. Students can know about their weak aspects to focus

D. The effect of information technology on education

Câu hỏi : 128531
  • Đáp án : D
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:

    Câu đầu tiên “Education is another area of social life in which information technology is changing the way we communicate.” : giáo dục là 1 phần trong đời sống xã hội cái mà công nghệ thông tin thay đổi cách chúng ta giao tiếp. -> Ảnh hưởng của IT đến giáo dục.

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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Câu 2: Students don’t have to sit in a lecture to learn about their field because………..

A. They can learn it at home

B. They can learn it through their computer

C. They can learn it with their tutors

D. They can learn it with their friends

Câu hỏi : 128532
  • Đáp án : B
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:

    “Through their computers and the wonders of virtual reality they can participate in lifelike stimulated experiences”: nhờ máy tính và thực tế ảo học sinh có thể tham gia các trải nghiệm hào hứng như thật. -> Học sinh học qua máy tính.

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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Câu 3: The word “adjusted” in the second paragraph means…………

A. exchanged

B. changed

C. showed

D. given

Câu hỏi : 128533
  • Đáp án : B
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:

    Adjust = điều chỉnh, exchange= trao đổi, change= thay đổi, show= trình diễn, give= cho.

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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Câu 4: How many times are children who are older than 10 required to go to school weekly?

A. Three

B. No time

C. Once or twice

D. Four

Câu hỏi : 128534
  • Đáp án : C
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:

    Câu 2 đoạn 2 “Some of the older children attend school only once or twice a week”: vài đứa trẻ đến trường một, hai lần trên tuần.

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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Câu 5: Where are pupils encouraged to work online?

A. At school

B. At home

C. In class

D. In library

Câu hỏi : 128535
  • Đáp án : B
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:

    Dòng 3 đoạn 2 “pupils are encouraged to work online from home” học sinh được khuyến khích học trực tuyến tại nhà.

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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Câu 6: Who/what counts the number of hours per week that students spend learning?

A. Teacher

B. Parents

C. Virtual reality

D. Computers

Câu hỏi : 128536
  • Đáp án : D
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:

    Dòng 7 đoạn 2 “computer software will automatically monitor the number hours a week each student studies online” phần mềm máy tính sẽ tự động giám sát số giờ học 1 tuần mỗi học sinh học trực tuyến.

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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Câu 7: What can't the software do?

A. Find out the best activities for the students

B. Design materials for the students

C. Identify weaknesses of the students

D. Monitor the time the students learn

Câu hỏi : 128537
  • Đáp án : B
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:

    Chọn đáp án B vì các đáp án còn lại là những việc phần mềm có thể làm. Đáp án A “produce special programs adjusted to the students' needs”. Đáp án C “It can be also identify areas of weak achievement”. Đáp án D “computer software will automatically monitor the number hours a week each student studies online”.

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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Câu 8: Who can receive the reports?

A. parents

B. teachers

C. students

D. parents and teachers

Câu hỏi : 128538
  • Đáp án : D
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:

    Cuối đoạn 2 “Reports will be available for parents and teachers.” Báo cáo có sẵn cho cha mẹ và giáo viên.

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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Câu 9: What can the software do?

A. Identify the best learning activities.

B. Generate similar activities.

C. Identify areas of week achievement and produce special programs.

D. All are correct.

Câu hỏi : 128539
  • Đáp án : D
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:

    Đáp án A,C có trong câu 51, đáp án B “generate similar activities” có trong câu gần cuối bài -> có cả 3 đáp án A,B,C=> chọn D.

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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Câu 10: What is NOT MENTIONED as a benefit of information technology to the students?

A. Students can learn at times that suit their schedule

B. Students can stay at home to learn

C. Students' learning time won't be monitored

D. Students' weak achievement can be identified.

Câu hỏi : 128540
  • Đáp án : C
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:

    Đáp án C : thời gian học tập của học sinh sẽ không được giám sát->sai, trái ngược với câu 50.

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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>> Luyện thi TN THPT & ĐH năm 2024 trên trang trực tuyến Học mọi lúc, mọi nơi với Thầy Cô giáo giỏi, đầy đủ các khoá: Nền tảng lớp 12; Luyện thi chuyên sâu; Luyện đề đủ dạng; Tổng ôn chọn lọc.

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