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Dạng bài Đọc hiểu lớp 12

Read the following  passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each  of the questions .

Psychologists have debated a long time about whether a child's upbringing can give it the ability to do outstandingly well. Some think that it is impossible to develop genius and say that it is simply something a person is born with. Others, however, argue that the potential for great achievement can be developed. The truth lies somewhere between these two extremes.

It seems very obvious that being born with the right qualities from gifted parents will increase a child’s ability to do well. However, this ability will be fully realized only with the right upbringing and opportunities. As one psychologist says, ‘To have a fast car, you need both a good engine and fuel.”

Scientists have recently assessed intelligence, achievement, and ability in 50 sets of identical twins that were separated shortly after birth and brought up by different parents. They found that achievement was based on intelligence. and later influenced by the child’s environment.

One case involving very intelligent twins was quoted. One of the twins received a normal upbringing. and performed well. The other twin, however, was brought up by extremely supportive parents and given every possible opportunity to develop its abilities. That twin, though starting out with the same degree of intelligence as the other, performed even better.

This case reflects the general principle of intelligence and ability. The rnore favorable the environment, the more a child’s intelligence and ability are developed. However, there is no link between intelligence and the socioeconomic level of a child’s family. In other words, it does not matter how poor or how rich a family is, as this does not affect intelligence.

Gifted people cannot be created by supportive parents, but they can be developed by them. One professor of music said that outstanding musicians usually started two or three years earlier than ordinary performers. often because their parents had recognized their ability. These musicians then needed at least ten years’ hard work and training in order to reach the level they were capable of attaining.

People who want to have very gifted children are given the following advice:

•   Marry an intelligent person.

•  Allow children to follow their own interests rather than the interests of the parents.

•   Start a child's education early but avoid pushing the child too hard.

•   Encourage children to play; for example, playing with musical instruments is essential for a child who wants to become an outstanding musician.

Read the following  passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each  of the questions .

Psychologists have debated a long time about whether a child's upbringing can give it the ability to do outstandingly well. Some think that it is impossible to develop genius and say that it is simply something a person is born with. Others, however, argue that the potential for great achievement can be developed. The truth lies somewhere between these two extremes.

It seems very obvious that being born with the right qualities from gifted parents will increase a child’s ability to do well. However, this ability will be fully realized only with the right upbringing and opportunities. As one psychologist says, ‘To have a fast car, you need both a good engine and fuel.”

Scientists have recently assessed intelligence, achievement, and ability in 50 sets of identical twins that were separated shortly after birth and brought up by different parents. They found that achievement was based on intelligence. and later influenced by the child’s environment.

One case involving very intelligent twins was quoted. One of the twins received a normal upbringing. and performed well. The other twin, however, was brought up by extremely supportive parents and given every possible opportunity to develop its abilities. That twin, though starting out with the same degree of intelligence as the other, performed even better.

This case reflects the general principle of intelligence and ability. The rnore favorable the environment, the more a child’s intelligence and ability are developed. However, there is no link between intelligence and the socioeconomic level of a child’s family. In other words, it does not matter how poor or how rich a family is, as this does not affect intelligence.

Gifted people cannot be created by supportive parents, but they can be developed by them. One professor of music said that outstanding musicians usually started two or three years earlier than ordinary performers. often because their parents had recognized their ability. These musicians then needed at least ten years’ hard work and training in order to reach the level they were capable of attaining.

People who want to have very gifted children are given the following advice:

•   Marry an intelligent person.

•  Allow children to follow their own interests rather than the interests of the parents.

•   Start a child's education early but avoid pushing the child too hard.

•   Encourage children to play; for example, playing with musical instruments is essential for a child who wants to become an outstanding musician.

Quảng cáo

Câu 1:

The upbringing of highly intelligent children requires ______ .


A. an expensive education  

B. good musical instruments

C. parental support and encouragement

D. wealthy and loving parents

Câu hỏi : 13106
  • Đáp án : C
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:

    The upbringing of highly intelligent children requires . (Sự nuôi dạy trẻ em cực kì thông minh đòi hỏi_____________ .)

    Đáp án đúng là C: “parental support and encouragement" (sự giúp đỡ của cha mẹ và sự động viên). Ý trong bài: "The other twin, however, was brought up by extremely suppurtive parents and given every possible opportunity to develop its abilities performed even better " (Tuy nhiên, người anh em song sinh kia được nuôi dạy bởi cha mẹ hết sức giúp đỡ và tạo mọi cơ hội để phát triên năng lực .... thể hiện tốt hơn.)

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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Câu 2:

The word “others" used in the first paragraph refers to _______  .

A. “other people”

B. “other scientists”

C. “other children”

D. “other geniuses”

Câu hỏi : 13107
  • Đáp án : B
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:

    Ta có cấu trúc: “Some... Others”; do đó đại từ "some” = "some psychologists” (một sổ nhà tâm lí) và đại từ “others” = “other psychologists” (các nhà tâm lí khác).

    Đáp án là B: other-scientists (các nhà khoa học khác).

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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Câu 3:

When scientists studied intelligence and ability in twins, they found that  ___ .

A. ability depends mainly on intelligence and achievement

B. intelligence and development are irrelevant to ability

C. ability depends both on intelligence and on environment

D. different twins generally have different levels of ability 

Câu hỏi : 13108
  • Đáp án : C
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:

    When scientists studied intelligence and ability in twins, they found that______ . (Khi các nhà khoa học nghiên cứu sự thông minh và năng lực ở các cặp song sinh, họ nhận thấy rằng ____ .)

    Đáp án đúng là C: "ability depends both on intelligence and on environment" (năng lực phụ thuộc vào sự thông minh cũng như môi trường).

    Ý trong bài: "The more favorable the environment, the more a child’s intelligence and ability are developed” (Môi trường càng thuận lợi thì sự Ihông minh và năng lực càng được phát triển).

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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Câu 4:

 Scientists chose twins for their study because ____ . 

A. each twin has the same environment as his/her twin

B. they are born into the same family, hence the same upbringing

C. they have the same economic background and hence the same opportunities

D. they have the same genetic background, usually with similar intelligence

Câu hỏi : 13109
  • Đáp án : D
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:

    Scientists chose twins for their study because____ . (Các nhà khoa học chọn các cặp song sinh để nghiên cứu vì  .)

    Đáp án đúng là D: "thev have the same genetic background, usually with similar intelligence ” (chúng có cùng yếu tố di truyền, và thường có sự thông minh như nhau). Câu này mang tính suy luận.

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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Câu 5:

How were great musicians different from ordinary musicians in their development?

A. Their ability was realized at an early stage and then nurtured.

B. They practice playing their instruments for many years.

C. They concentrated on music to the exclusion of other areas.

D. They were exceptionally intelligent and artistic.

Câu hỏi : 13110
  • Đáp án : A
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:

    How were great musicians different from ordinary musicians in their development? (Trong việc phát triển tài năng, các nghệ sĩ vĩ đại khác với các nghệ sĩ bình thường thế nào?)

    Đáp án đúng là A: “Their ability was realized at an early stage and then nurtured. ” (Năng lực của họ được phát hiện rất sớm và sau đỏ được nuôi dưỡng.)

    Ý trong bài: “...outstanding musicians ussually started two or three years earlier than ordinary performers, often because their parents had recognized their abilily. These musicians then needed at least ten years' hard work and training” (các nghệ sĩ vĩ đại thường bắt đầu sớm hơn hai hoặc ba năm so với các nghệ sĩ khác, thường là do cha mẹ của họ sớm phát hiện tài năng. Sau đó các nghệ sĩ này cần ít nhất mười năm để được đào tạo và rèn luyện).

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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Câu 6:

The writer advises that gifted children should be allowed to follow ______ .

A. their own interest

B. their parents’ interests

C. only their interests in musical instruments

D. only their interests in computer games 

Câu hỏi : 13111
  • Đáp án : A
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:

    The writer advises that gifted children should be allowed to follow __ . (Tác giả khuyên rằng người ta nên cho các trẻ em có khả năng đặc biệt theo đuổi____ .)

    Đáp án đúng là A: "their own interest ” (sở thích của chúng).

    Ý trong bài: "Allow children to follow their own interests rather than the interests of the parents. ” (Hãy cho phép trẻ theo đuổi sở thích của chúng chứ không phải sở thích của cha mẹ.)

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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Câu 7:

When encouraging their gifted childrcn, parents should avoid _____ .

A. pushing their children too hard

B. letting them play their own way

C. permitting them to follow their ovvn interests

D. starting their education at an early age 

Câu hỏi : 13112
  • Đáp án : A
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:

    When encouraging their gifted children, parents should avoid _____. (Khi động viên con cái có khả năng đặc biệt của mình, cha mẹ nên tránh ____ ,)

    Đáp án đúng là A: “pushing their childrcn too hard” (thúc ép con cái quá mức).

    Ý trong bài: ….. avoid pushing the child too hard”.

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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Câu 8:

The remark: “To have a fast car, you need both a good engine and fuel” in the passage means that in order to become a genius___________ .


A. you need to have good health and good nourishment

B. you need intelligence and you need to develop it 

C. you should try to move quickly and efficiently

D. you must nourish your brain and train your muscles hard

Câu hỏi : 13113
  • Đáp án : B
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:

    The remark: “To have a fast car, you need both a good engine and fuel” in the passage means that in order to become a genius ______. (Nhận xét trong đoạn văn: “Để có được một chiếc ô tô chạy nhanh, bạn cân động cơ mạnh và nhiên liệu” có nghĩa là để trờ thành một thiên tài thì  _____ .)

    Đáp án đúng là B: “you need intelligence and you need to develop it" (bạn cần sự thông minh và phát triển sự thông minh đó).

    Ý trong bài: “However, this ability will be fully realized only with the right upbringing and opportunities. ” (Tuy nhiên, khả năng này chỉ được nhận thức đầy đủ khi có sự nuôi dạy đúng đắn và cơ hội thích hợp.) và "They found that achievement was based on intelligence, and later influences by the child’s environment. ” (Họ nhận thấy thành quả đạt được dựa trên sự thông minh và sau đó là môi trường.)

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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Câu 9:

The word “favorable" in the passage mostly means___ .

A. “good for someone and making him/her likely to be successful”

B.  “helping somebody to be more intelligent compared to other people" 

C. “of high quality or an acceptable standard”

D. “under the control or in the power of somebody else”

Câu hỏi : 13114
  • Đáp án : A
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:

    Đáp án là A: “good for someone and making him/her likely to be successful” (có lợi cho ai và làm người đó thành công — thuận lợi).

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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Câu 10: All of the following statements are true EXCEPT _______ . 

A. educational development depends completely on economic well-being

B. a child’s intelligence is influenced by that of his/her parents

C. to become successful, a child needs both native intelligence and development 

D. studying different twins is a useful scientific procedure

Câu hỏi : 13115
  • Đáp án : A
    (0) bình luận (0) lời giải

    Giải chi tiết:

    All of the following stalements are true EXCEPT___ . (Tất cả các câu sau đây đều đúng ngoại trừ_ .)

    Đáp án đúng là A: “educational development depends completely on economic well-being” (sự phát triển giáo dục phụ thuộc hoàn toàn vào khả năng kinh tế).

    Ý trong bài: “ …….. it does not matter how poor or how rich a family is, as this does not affect intelligence.

    Lời giải sai Bình thường Khá hay Rất Hay
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