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Giỏ hàng của tôi

The author implies that there is cause for concern if consumers with limited incomes buy organic food instead of conventionally grown foods because__           _.

Read the following passage and make the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 6 to 10.

                Are organically grown foods the best food choices? The advantages claimed for such foods over conventionally grown and marketed food products are now being debated. Advocates of organic foods – a term whose meaning varies greatly- frequently proclaim that such products are safer and more nutritious than others.

              The growing interest of consumers in the safety and more nutritional quality of the typical North American diet is a welcome development. However, much of this interest has been sparked by sweeping claims that the food supply is unsafe or inadequate in meeting nutritional needs. Although most of these claims are not supported by scientific evidence, the preponderance of written material advancing such claims makes it difficult for the general public to separate fact from fiction. As a result, claims that eating a diet consisting entirely of organically grown foods prevents or cures disease or provides other benefits to health have become widely publicized and form the basis for folklore.

            Almost daily the public is besieged by claims for “no-aging” diets, new vitamins, and other wonder foods. There are numerous unsubstantiated reports that natural vitamins are superior to synthetic ones, that fertilized eggs are nutritionally superior to unfertilized eggs, that untreated grains are better than fumigated grains and the like. One thing that most organically grown food products seem to have in common is that they cost more than conventionally grown foods. But in many cases consumers are misled if they believe organic foods can maintain health and provide better nutritional quality than conventionally grown foods. So there is real cause for concern if consumers, particularly those with limited incomes, distrust the regular food and buy only expensive organic foods instead.

Câu 336354: The author implies that there is cause for concern if consumers with limited incomes buy organic food instead of conventionally grown foods because__           _.

A. organic foods can be more expensive but are often no better than conventionally grown foods

B. many organic foods are actually less nutritious than similar conventionally grown foods

C. conventionally grown foods are more readily available than organic foods

D. too many farmers will stop using conventional method to grow food crops

Câu hỏi : 336354

Quảng cáo

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Kiến thức: Đọc hiểu

  • Đáp án : A
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    Giải chi tiết:

    Tác giả ngụ ý rằng có lý do để lo lắng khi người tiêu dùng có thu nhập thấp mua thực phẩm hữu cơ thay vì thực phẩm được trồng thông thường vì ______.

    A. thực phẩm hữu cơ có thể đắt hơn nhưng thường không tốt hơn thực phẩm thông thường

    B. nhiều loại thực phẩm hữu cơ thực sự ít dinh dưỡng hơn so với thực phẩm thông thường tương tự

    C. thực phẩm thông thường có sẵn hơn thực phẩm hữu cơ

    D. quá nhiều nông dân sẽ ngừng sử dụng phương pháp thông thường để trồng cây lương thực

    Thông tin: One thing that most organically grown food products seem to have in common is that they cost more than conventionally grown foods. But in many cases consumers are misled if they believe organic foods can maintain health and provide better nutritional quality than conventionally grown foods.

    Tạm dịch: Một điều mà hầu hết các loại thực phẩm hữu cơ cùng có chung là chúng thường đắt hơn các loại thực phẩm thông thường khác. Nhưng trong nhiều trường hợp thì người tiêu dùng đã bị nhầm lẫn nếu mà họ tin rằng thực phẩm hữu cơ có thể duy trì sức khỏe và cung cấp nhiều dinh dưỡng hơn so với các thực phẩm thông thường khác.

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