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Lưu ý: Chức năng này hiện không còn dùng nữa, vui lòng chọn các khóa học để xem các bài giảng hoặc làm đề thi online!

Bài 106:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu hỏi số 1:

Only in the Civil War____________ killed or wounded.

Câu hỏi số 2:

Frankly, I'd rather you _______ anything about it for the time being.

Câu hỏi số 3:

I was angry when you saw me because I ______ with my sister.

Câu hỏi số 4:

The book would have been perfect ________ the ending.

Câu hỏi số 5:

I'm __________ my brother is.

Câu hỏi số 6:

_____ I'd like to help you out, I'm afraid I just haven't got any spare money at the moment.  

Câu hỏi số 7:

Hardly ________ of the paintings at the gallery were for sale

Câu hỏi số 8:

Jane's very modest, always ________ her success.

Câu hỏi số 9:

I feel __ to inform the committee that a number of members are very unhappy with the  decision.  

Câu hỏi số 10:

Check the bottles carefully to make sure they have not been _______

Câu hỏi số 11:

All things_________, he is the best president we are likely to get.

Câu hỏi số 12:

George: “In my opinion, action films are exciting.”  Frankie: “______”

Câu hỏi số 13:

Peter:  “I’ve been awarded a scholarship to study in America.”           Kate:  “Uh, really? __________!”

Câu hỏi số 14:

Tom:" Would you take this along to the office for me?"   - Jerry:"_________"

Câu hỏi số 15:

Mother: "Gloria, I'd rather you ___________home so late."

Câu hỏi số 16:

You are 27 years old so it's high time you ______ responsibility for your deeds.

Câu hỏi số 17:

Suppose he _________you stealing, what would you do?

Câu hỏi số 18:

I used a calculator so it's impossible I made a mistake with the bill. I ___________a mistake with the bill because I used a calculator

Câu hỏi số 19:

The school Principal suggested that he __________a scholarship.

Câu hỏi số 20:

The portrait__________ by an Italian.

Câu hỏi số 21:

If you want the day off, you’ll have to find someone ________ you.

Câu hỏi số 22:

I bought a __________ bag at the market yesterday.

Câu hỏi số 23:

I ran _____ some old records while I was tidying the attic.

Câu hỏi số 24:

You should never spend all the money you earn, but always _____________a rainy day

Câu hỏi số 25:

__________________, I decided to go in, which turned out to be a mistake.

Bài 107:

Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. 

Câu hỏi số 1:

_____every industry in our modern world requires the work of engineers.

Câu hỏi số 2:

Jane had a problem with her finances, so we talked _____and no wit's fine.

Câu hỏi số 3:

When the electricity failed, he _____a match to find the candles.

Câu hỏi số 4:

I usually buy my clothes_____. It’s cheaper than going to the dress maker.

Câu hỏi số 5:

The book says that the revolution was_____ off by the assassination of the state governor.

Câu hỏi số 6:

He suddenly saw Sue _____the room. He pushed his way_____ the crowd of people to get to her.

Câu hỏi số 7:

Her business must be going rather well, _____ by the cars she drives.

Câu hỏi số 8:

If I were you, I would regard their offer with considerable _____, because it seems too good to be true.

Câu hỏi số 9:

My sister’s confidence in her ability to play the piano was badly _____ by her last music teacher.

Câu hỏi số 10:

Your grandfather is rather tired so do not_____ your visit. Let him have a rest.

Câu hỏi số 11:

Whether the sports club survives is a matter of complete _____ to me.

Câu hỏi số 12:

The assistant suggested _____ the next day when the manager would be there.

Câu hỏi số 13:

As it was Christmas, the _____ at church was much larger than usual.

Câu hỏi số 14:

Many _____ crafts such as weaving are now being revived.

Câu hỏi số 15:

Everyone knows about pollution problems, but not many people have _____ any solutions.

Câu hỏi số 16:

_____ calculations have shown that the earth’s resources may run out before the end of the next century.

Câu hỏi số 17:

Prizes are awarded _____ the number of points scored.

Câu hỏi số 18:

Is it necessary that I _____  here tomorrow?

Câu hỏi số 19:

He said that the plane had already taken off and that I_____ arrived an hour earlier.

Câu hỏi số 20:

Beneath the streets of a modern city _____ of walls, columns, cables, pipes, and tunnels required to satisfy the needs of its inhabitants.

Câu hỏi số 21:

_____ they are widely perceived as gentle creatures, hippopotamuses are responsible for more human deaths in Africa than any other animal.  

Câu hỏi số 22:

Susan always wins the prize because her projects  _____.

Câu hỏi số 23:

Phone mebeforeten;_____ I’llbetoobusy totalktoyou.

Câu hỏi số 24:

You are under no obligation_____ to accept this offer.

Câu hỏi số 25:

In most _____ developed countries, up to 50% of _____ population enters higher education at some time in their lives.

Bài 108:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu hỏi số 1:

Mr. Smith suggested that Sara________ for the job in the company.

Câu hỏi số 2:

Our neighbours are normally very noisy, but they're being _____this evening.

Câu hỏi số 3:

No matter______ , Mozart was an accomplished composer while still a child.

Câu hỏi số 4:

-"Do you have a minute, Dr Keith?" - "________"

Câu hỏi số 5:

I was surprised to find my French was still _______ good. I could use it to speak during the meeting.

Câu hỏi số 6:

The manager ________him for a minor mistake.

Câu hỏi số 7:

People who are out of work can receive the______

Câu hỏi số 8:

Following the accident, he was officially accused of ________driving.

Câu hỏi số 9:

Laura: "What a lovely house you have!" Maria:________

Câu hỏi số 10:

If you had taken my advice, you _____in such difficulties now.

Câu hỏi số 11:

______, we tried our best to complete it.

Câu hỏi số 12:

Having a best friend to confide in can bring a positive effect on our ______health.

Câu hỏi số 13:

_____ her fiction describes women in unhappy marriages.

Câu hỏi số 14:

Police believe that there is a _______between two crimes.

Câu hỏi số 15:

After I_______ finished working, I switched off the machine.

Câu hỏi số 16:

The players’ protests_______  no difference to the referee's decision at all.

Câu hỏi số 17:

I was wakened by the sound of someone_____ on the door.

Câu hỏi số 18:

Tom. "I'm sorry. I won't be able to come". - Mary:_______

Câu hỏi số 19:

Nobody's got to stay late this evening, __________‘?

Câu hỏi số 20:

After the flash flood, all the drains were overflowing _______storm water.

Câu hỏi số 21:

- A: "Happy New Year!" - B: " _________"

Câu hỏi số 22:

I saw him hiding something in a_______ bag.

Câu hỏi số 23:

The child was told to________ for being rude to his uncle.

Câu hỏi số 24:

"If only I hadn't lent him all my money!" - "________"

Câu hỏi số 25:

______ of the book, they get married and live happily ever after.

Bài 109:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following questions.



Câu hỏi số 1:

When being interviewed, you should concentrate on what the interviewer is saying or asking  you.

Câu hỏi số 2:

The word intake is closest in meaning to ……

Câu hỏi số 3:

 Within a week on display at the exhibition, the painting was hailed as a masterpiece.

Câu hỏi số 4:

Professor Berg was very interested in the diversity of cultures all over the world.

Câu hỏi số 5:

Billy, come and give me a hand with cooking.

Bài 110:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu hỏi số 1:

- Teacher: "Jon, you've written a much better essay this time."          -Jon:"______"

Câu hỏi số 2:

___ the recent renovations to their kitchen, the value of the Spencer household remained the same.

Câu hỏi số 3:

Althea Corporation ______ by many analysts to be the most innovative software company in the industry.

Câu hỏi số 4:

About   40%   of   patients   ______   come   to   the   Dearfield   Emergency   Room  have   only   minor injuries.

Câu hỏi số 5:

The more he tried to explain, __________________

Câu hỏi số 6:

Joanne found the problem _____ and so did John.

Câu hỏi số 7:

The total cost to renovate the building was $13.75 million, ____ double the original estimate.

Câu hỏi số 8:

The father advised _________ the second- hand car.

Câu hỏi số 9:

I think it’s a bit ___ to hope that we can beat them easily. They are much younger and better.

Câu hỏi số 10:

The passport she carried was___________

Câu hỏi số 11:

 I am reading this novel. By the time you come back from work, I_________

Câu hỏi số 12:

She _______ her children, she gives them whatever they want.

Câu hỏi số 13:

The players ______ the referee's decision.

Câu hỏi số 14:

If she............... rich, she would travel around the  world.

Câu hỏi số 15:

Mary was the last applicant_____________.

Câu hỏi số 16:

____________________, the results couldn't be better.

Câu hỏi số 17:

The Nile, ______________, is the home of a great variety of fish.

Câu hỏi số 18:

_______________ William Shakespeare is the most widely known.

Câu hỏi số 19:

You ___________ me, because I didn't say that.

Câu hỏi số 20:

The man who was driving the truck would not admit that he had been at fault, and ______.

Câu hỏi số 21:

He went _________ a bad cold just before Christmas.

Câu hỏi số 22:

 A cool drink______________ him after his long hot journey.

Câu hỏi số 23:

It's time the authorities............something about this problem.

Câu hỏi số 24:

It was suggested that they _________the distance in very short time.

Câu hỏi số 25:

”Have a nice weekend.”                  - “_________”

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