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Dạng bài Điền từ vào câu lớp 12

Lưu ý: Chức năng này hiện không còn dùng nữa, vui lòng chọn các khóa học để xem các bài giảng hoặc làm đề thi online!

Bài 121:

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu hỏi số 1:

It is recommended that he______ his course.

Câu hỏi số 2:

“You missed a good chance in your career." “Yes, I ______that job when Mr. Johnson offered.”

Câu hỏi số 3:

Relative humidity is the amount of water vapor the air contains at a certaintemperature______ with the amount it could hold at that temperature.

Câu hỏi số 4:

A______ is a book or a movie with an exciting story about crime or spying.

Câu hỏi số 5:

On September 9, 1850, California was admitted to the Union______

Câu hỏi số 6:

Everyone thought she would accept the offer._____ , she turned it down.

Câu hỏi số 7:

______electricity you use,_____ your bill will be.

Câu hỏi số 8:

This one is prettier, but it costs ______as the other one.

Câu hỏi số 9:

I’ve just bought a television set ____in Japan.

Câu hỏi số 10:

 They asked me a lot of questions, ______I couldn’t answer.

Câu hỏi số 11:

Under no circumstances ______to play with fireworks without parental supervision.

Câu hỏi số 12:

When______ is not known.

Câu hỏi số 13:

Birds make nests in trees_______ hide their young in the leaves and branches.

Câu hỏi số 14:

The ______of the pagoda in the water was very clear and beautiful.

Câu hỏi số 15:

After the recent scandal, the President is expected to do the_______ thing and resign from his position.

Câu hỏi số 16:

Our car is much older_______ than yours.

Câu hỏi số 17:

I ________in bed all night thinking about it.

Câu hỏi số 18:

Lifelong learning is the only way to remain________in today’s job market, according to economist Chun Ho Suk.

Câu hỏi số 19:

This job requires a good ______for figures.

Câu hỏi số 20:

Before the product is put on the market, the company must_____ whether it complies with safety standards.

Câu hỏi số 21:

The Red List is a special book that provides names of_____ animals.

Câu hỏi số 22:

During the starvation, we used to keep a______ of dried food in the factory.

Câu hỏi số 23:

When you have a small child in the house, you ______leave small objects lying around. Such objects _______be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death.

Câu hỏi số 24:

Halley’s Comet had its first documented sighting in 240 B.C, in China and____ it has been seen from the Earth 29 times.

Câu hỏi số 25:

The concert didn’t come _____our expectations.

Câu hỏi số 26:

If you need any support, you can rely on me to_____

Câu hỏi số 27:

Teacher: “John, you’ve written a much better essay this time.”John: "______"

Câu hỏi số 28:

Cindy: “Your hairstyle is terrific, Mary!” - Mary: "______"

Bài 122:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu hỏi số 1:

Professor Alan insisted that every student_______ their report by Friday.

Câu hỏi số 2:

You______ out yesterday without a coat. No wonder you caught a cold.

Câu hỏi số 3:

By the end of this week, my illness______ me $100.c

Câu hỏi số 4:

Some snakes lay eggs, but others______ birth to live offspring.

Câu hỏi số 5:

The rumors go that Jack will be arrested. He is said ______a bloody robbery.

Câu hỏi số 6:

_____I get your call. I’ll leave.

Câu hỏi số 7:

“Believe it or not, I have seven brothers and three sisters. We really have_____"

Câu hỏi số 8:

The onion is characterized by an edible bulb composed of leaves rich in sugar and a pungent oil,______ the vegetable’s strong taste.

Câu hỏi số 9:

Hubble’s law states that the greater the distance between any two galaxies, _______ is their relative speed of separation.

Câu hỏi số 10:

Doing exercises may______ you to pass the exam.

Câu hỏi số 11:

The chairman requested that______

Câu hỏi số 12:

Designers are experimenting with a new material______ flexibility and lightness.

Câu hỏi số 13:

Hair colour is ______characteristics to use in identifying people.

Câu hỏi số 14:

As coal mines became deeper, the problems of draining water, bringing in fresh air, and ________to the surface increased.

Câu hỏi số 15:

____seemed a miracle to us.

Câu hỏi số 16:

 The increase____ unemployment is a characteristic feature of a crisis.

Câu hỏi số 17:

I think you should choose _____ colour. This one is too dark.

Câu hỏi số 18:

I saw him_____ round the corner and_______

Câu hỏi số 19:

_____Professor Johns, _____man whose new drug everyone is talking about refused______ interview.

Câu hỏi số 20:

According to the doctor, there’s absolutely nothing the______ with you.

Câu hỏi số 21:

I’m sorry. but l like my eggs soft,_______ ,not hard.

Câu hỏi số 22:

John was amazed when the train arrived exactly____ time.

Câu hỏi số 23:

I’d like to take this______ of wishing you all the best of luck with your exams.

Câu hỏi số 24:

Learners of English as a foreign language often fail to_____ between unfamiliar sounds in that language.

Câu hỏi số 25:

The government should take______ to reduce the current high unemployment rate.

Câu hỏi số 26:

____my opinion, French cheese is better than English cheese.

Câu hỏi số 27:

They thought they could deceive me but they were wrong. I could_____

Câu hỏi số 28:

Did Mr. Pike _____the class while Miss White was ill in hospital?

Câu hỏi số 29:

“Hello, l'd like to speak with Mrs. Smith.” "________"

Câu hỏi số 30:

Anne: Make yourself at home.” John: "______"

Bài 123:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu hỏi số 1:

 Were she ten years younger, she ______to dance.

Câu hỏi số 2:

Paul: “lt’s already half past six.” Ellen: “Good heavens, so it is! lt’s time we_______

Câu hỏi số 3:

By the time we reach New York on Friday, we_______ over 60 hours traveling.

Câu hỏi số 4:

He has always insisted on his________ Dr. Turner instead of Mr. Turner.

Câu hỏi số 5:

We went by sea, but we‘d rather_______ by air.

Câu hỏi số 6:

Neither Canada nor Mexico______ that citizens of the United States have passports when they want to visit these countries.

Câu hỏi số 7:

During the course of its growth, a frog undergoes a true metamorphosis______ with fish like larval stage.

Câu hỏi số 8:

_______, Nam Cao was a realistic writer, but he still used a lot of romance in his stones.

Câu hỏi số 9:

The police carried out a______ search for the missing diplomat.

Câu hỏi số 10:

She failed the test______ she studied hard.

Câu hỏi số 11:

Because it was so closely related to communication,______ art form to develop.

Câu hỏi số 12:

Hardly________ the captain of the team when he had to face the problems.

Câu hỏi số 13:

It is _______that I can’t put it down.

Câu hỏi số 14:

________his assistance in those days, I would not be so successful now.

Câu hỏi số 15:

Crops are often completely destroyed by ______of locusts.

Câu hỏi số 16:

It is illegal to______ on grounds of race, sex, or religion.

Câu hỏi số 17:

Air, food and water are______ to human beings.

Câu hỏi số 18:

James should have stayed out of the sun as his skin is so_______

Câu hỏi số 19:

 Winning a lottery is a rare occurrence.______ very small.

Câu hỏi số 20:

We’ll have to call the barbecue_______ . lt’s going to rain.

Câu hỏi số 21:

Your grades are coming down. You should try to ______the other students in your class.

Câu hỏi số 22:

I can’t understand how your father managed to ______that man. He had deceived all the rest of us.

Câu hỏi số 23:

The smell was so bad that it completely_______ us off our food.

Câu hỏi số 24:

Although he hadn’t spoken French for many years, he picked it______ again alter a few weeks.

Câu hỏi số 25:

Li has______ ; he loves cakes, chocolate, ice-cream - anything which is sweet.

Câu hỏi số 26:

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t come to your party last night.” "________"

Câu hỏi số 27:

“Would you like to have noodles, spaghetti, or something different?" "______"

Câu hỏi số 28:

 “Excuse me, is anybody sitting here?” "_______"

Câu hỏi số 29:

“Do you mind if I use your phone?” "_______"

Câu hỏi số 30:

Kate: “Do you think Mary’s coming to the English club?” Jackie: "_______"

Bài 124:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu hỏi số 1:

I’d rather you______ absent from the meeting yesterday. Things might have been different.

Câu hỏi số 2:

For the last ten years, engineers _______noise levels in Britain’s cities.

Câu hỏi số 3:

Her doctor suggested that she _______ a short trip abroad.

Câu hỏi số 4:

In the hotel, the bread and butter _____for breakfast.

Câu hỏi số 5:

He denied_____ the shop.

Câu hỏi số 6:

Sam confessed ______all the cookies.

Câu hỏi số 7:

An earlier typewriter produced letters quickly and neatly, the typist,_____ couldn’t see his work on this machine.

Câu hỏi số 8:

I always keep candles in the room _____there is a power cut.

Câu hỏi số 9:

lt’s strange. His sisters are blonde, _____he is very dark.

Câu hỏi số 10:

Only when you grow up _____the truth.

Câu hỏi số 11:

Jack______ yet, otherwise he would have telephoned me.

Câu hỏi số 12:

It was_____ a simple question that everyone answered it correctly.

Câu hỏi số 13:

We very much _____that you will come to dinner next Friday.

Câu hỏi số 14:

_____she could not say anything.

Câu hỏi số 15:

Not only_____ air pollution but it also does harm to our health.

Câu hỏi số 16:

_______in the morning has become my habit for years.

Câu hỏi số 17:

Did you apologize to Mary,_______

Câu hỏi số 18:

______that the company has shown rapid growth in the last two years.

Câu hỏi số 19:

Having been served lunch,_______

Câu hỏi số 20:

The house stands high on the top of the hill, so it can be________ from far away.

Câu hỏi số 21:

His change of job has______ him with a new challenge in life.

Câu hỏi số 22:

As it was her first offence, she was let off with a_______

Câu hỏi số 23:

The two men looked so alike that it was impossible to _____between them.

Câu hỏi số 24:

I don’t think he will get_______ the shock in a short period of time.

Câu hỏi số 25:

 I want to lose weight so I am ______on cakes and sweets.

Câu hỏi số 26:

I realized _____that he was a thief.

Câu hỏi số 27:

 Now that they have read it in_______ , they believe me.

Câu hỏi số 28:

 “Will you come to our party tonight?” "_____"

Câu hỏi số 29:

“My parents got divorced when l was 5.” "_____"

Câu hỏi số 30:

“What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary!” "______"

Bài 125:

Mark the letterA, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu hỏi số 1:

Not one_______ his promises.

Câu hỏi số 2:

This is the biggest exhibition _________ held in Hanoi.

Câu hỏi số 3:

Her mother asked her to _________ the table for the evening meal.

Câu hỏi số 4:

She said that she could not ___________ a new dress on her small 

Câu hỏi số 5:

Hotel rooms must be __________ by 10 a.m., but luggage may be left with the porter.

Câu hỏi số 6:

I have always _____________ that my university was the best in the country.

Câu hỏi số 7:

When we arrived in Paris, it was ___________ with rain.

Câu hỏi số 8:

People living abroad are not __________ to enter for this competition.

Câu hỏi số 9:

No one was able to explain the _________ of the old custom.

Câu hỏi số 10:

His sister was full of  __________ for the way in which he had learned to drive a car so quickly.

Câu hỏi số 11:

Untortunately, our local cinema is on the __________ of closing down.

Câu hỏi số 12:

The ________ exam in February prepared students for the real thing in July.

Câu hỏi số 13:

For elderly people, one of the problems ___________ by rising prices is the continual rise in heating bills.

Câu hỏi số 14:

The supervisor's job is to ___________ the work of his particular department.

Câu hỏi số 15:

The number of tickets available is ___________ by size of the stadium.

Câu hỏi số 16:

Whoever __________ of speeding may be Fined from $100 up to $1,000.

Câu hỏi số 17:

My ________ on life has changed a lot since leaving university.

Câu hỏi số 18:

He was always finding ________ with his daughter's friends.

Câu hỏi số 19:

He tripped on the stairs, and could not __________ falling.

Câu hỏi số 20:

The bus only stops here to ________ passengers.

Câu hỏi số 21:

The child was _________ by a lorry on the safety crossing in the main street.

Câu hỏi số 22:

The price they offered my car was so low that I_________ it down.

Câu hỏi số 23:

Our house still remains in _________ after the cyclone.

Câu hỏi số 24:

When his business failed, he started again from _________ .

Câu hỏi số 25:

A: “Don't forget to drop me a line when you settle down.” B: “Trust me.____ ”

Câu hỏi số 26:

Cynthia: “Hi, Victor. Do you think it’s possible for ưs to have a talk some time today?" Victor: ‘I'd love to, but ”

Câu hỏi số 27:

Reese: “Remember, they want someone who works well with people. You're going to show them how easy-going and personable you are! Kent: “______ ”

Câu hỏi số 28:

Jill: “Could you save my place for me, please? Nature's calling.” Stranger: “_____ ”

Câu hỏi số 29:

Cashier: “All right. Keep your receipt. If something comes up, you can show it to us and you can get a refund." John: “______ ”

Câu hỏi số 30:

Arthur: "You've got to be caretul next time!” Rose:  " ____________ "

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