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Dạng bài Điền từ vào câu lớp 12

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Bài 136:

Mark the letter A, B, C,  or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer  that best completes each sentence or substitutes the underimed words or phrases to each of the following questions.

Câu hỏi số 1:

I declined the offer as I _________ it was time for me to go for a swim in the sea.

Câu hỏi số 2:

When they ____ home from the concert, they found that somebody _____ into it.

Câu hỏi số 3:

Bob was absent; he _____ sick again.

Câu hỏi số 4:

It is great to watch sportsmen in their national costumes ________  into the stadium.

Câu hỏi số 5:

A quick look would reveal that France has twice _______ computers.

Câu hỏi số 6:

Anyone ______ about the environment cannot ignore the facts ________ the speaker was referring.

Câu hỏi số 7:

_______ the government fall, the stock market will crash.

Câu hỏi số 8:

The twentieth century saw a rapid rise in life expectancy due to improvements in public liealth, nutrition and medicine.

Câu hỏi số 9:

The tiny irrigation channels were everywhere and along some of them the water was running.

Câu hỏi số 10:

For a decade, Barzilai has studied centenarians, looking for genes that contribute to longevity.

Câu hỏi số 11:

Of the two new teachers, one is experienced and ________ .

Câu hỏi số 12:

Women have proved repeatedly that they are equal and often superior __________ men in almost every field.

Câu hỏi số 13:

It is common knowledge that sportsmen __________ themselves in good form by regular swimming.

Câu hỏi số 14:

She was unable to warn her mother that she would be late because the telephone was _________  .

Câu hỏi số 15:

During the starvation, we used to keep a  _________ of dried food in the factory.

Câu hỏi số 16:

The athletes have to put a lot of effort in this __________ as the SEA Games are Corning.

Câu hỏi số 17:

Mary Smith decided to give up her job for the _________ of her children.

Câu hỏi số 18:

The ______ source of power in 1970 was from natural gas with almost 25%.

Câu hỏi số 19:

I find that my work ______ so much of my time that I don’t have any free time.

Câu hỏi số 20:

Sue hadn't seen her brother for thirty years and _________ they recognized each other instantly.

Câu hỏi số 21:

The bus was so late reaching the station that I _______ missed my train.

Câu hỏi số 22:

The child was told to eat his vegetables, or  _________ he would get no ice cream.

Câu hỏi số 23:

_____ the manager, she has to make many important decisions.

Câu hỏi số 24:

People will be able to work from home; _________ , they may still choose to go to work. 

Câu hỏi số 25:

“Where’s Amada gone?” “ _________ ”

Câu hỏi số 26:

“How long did the journey take?” " __________ "

Câu hỏi số 27:

“Shall we leave now?” “______ ’

Câu hỏi số 28:

“£500 is too expensive.”  " _________ "

Câu hỏi số 29:

“The room costs £55 a night.” " __________ "

Câu hỏi số 30:

“Anything else?” “______ ”

Bài 137:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu hỏi số 1:

You looked tired. ________hard all day?

Câu hỏi: 23340

Câu hỏi số 2:

Thousands of antibiotics ______, but only about thirty are in common use today.

Câu hỏi: 23341

Câu hỏi số 3:

James didn’t come to see us as planned and he didn’t even phone us. He____about the appointment.

Câu hỏi: 23342

Câu hỏi số 4:

If Jack had tried hard the last season, ________

Câu hỏi: 23343

Câu hỏi số 5:

Ann was very surprised to find the door unlocked. She remembered______ it before she left.

Câu hỏi: 23344

Câu hỏi số 6:

 _______Ann by phone, James decided to email her.

Câu hỏi: 23345

Câu hỏi số 7:

“When will we meet: at 7:30 or 8:00?” “I don’t mind. ______is convenient for me."

Câu hỏi: 23346

Câu hỏi số 8:

Since our flight is at 10:00,____ tomorrow morning, we are leaving_____ at 7:00 because we have to be ____the airport two hours before the plane takes_____

Câu hỏi: 23347

Câu hỏi số 9:

Although they played very well, they didn’t win the match because they lack____

Câu hỏi: 23348

Câu hỏi số 10:

Although some people earn a lot of money, they are not _____with their lives.

Câu hỏi: 23349

Câu hỏi số 11:

The instructions must be followed exactly;_______

Câu hỏi: 23350

Câu hỏi số 12:

I’ve never seen ________ festival in my life.

Câu hỏi: 23351

Câu hỏi số 13:

The population of the Earth is increasing at a tremendous rate and _____ out of control.

Câu hỏi: 23352

Câu hỏi số 14:

_________Paul realize that he was on the wrong flight.

Câu hỏi: 23353

Câu hỏi số 15:

Children love playing in the mud,________

Câu hỏi: 23354

Câu hỏi số 16:

______ the breakthrough in genetics will lead to a cure for cancer.

Câu hỏi: 23355

Câu hỏi số 17:

In the early 16"‘ century, the geography of the globe still ______a mystery.

Câu hỏi: 23356

Câu hỏi số 18:

The kind-hearted woman______ all her life to helping the disabled and the poor.

Câu hỏi: 23357

Câu hỏi số 19:

The job they offer ________very interesting with a fashion house in the city centre.

Câu hỏi: 23358

Câu hỏi số 20:

 Lucy was late for school this morning because the alarm didn’t _______as usual.

Câu hỏi: 23359

Câu hỏi số 21:

Sometimes a postman_______ some terrible handwriting and didn’t know where the letter should go.

Câu hỏi: 23360

Câu hỏi số 22:

For the first time the young scientist was given the award ______her work with animals.

Câu hỏi: 23361

Câu hỏi số 23:

 I do wish you’d stop biting your nails, Tom. It really______

Câu hỏi: 23362

Câu hỏi số 24:

His flat looks so _______that it is difficult to believe he just had a party last night.

Câu hỏi: 23363

Câu hỏi số 25:

“Well, what shall we do today? Any ideas?” "________"

Câu hỏi: 23364

Câu hỏi số 26:

"Did you enjoy the movie last night?” "_______"

Câu hỏi: 23365

Bài 138:

Mark the letterA, B, C, or D on your answer sheet lo indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu hỏi số 1:

The number of working vvomen in China ________ from 49% in 1980 to nearly 65% today.  

Câu hỏi số 2:

She________ two miles and a half.

Câu hỏi số 3:

The US Postal Service Policy for check approval includes a requirement that two pieces of identification______ .  

Câu hỏi số 4:

You smell awful! It’s about time you___ a bath.

Câu hỏi số 5:

Inexpensive air fares _____ about by the “Visit ASEAN Pass" have facilitated traveling in ASEAN countries.  

Câu hỏi số 6:

________ I post that letter for you on the way to the office?

Câu hỏi số 7:

Why don’t we go on the coach? It is _________ cheaper than the train.

Câu hỏi số 8:

________ that has happened is a waste of time.

Câu hỏi số 9:

There were two small rooms in the beach house, ________ served as a kitchen.

Câu hỏi số 10:

Venice,_____ was built on water, is a city in Italy.

Câu hỏi số 11:

Seals can____ because they have a thick layer of blubber under their far.

Câu hỏi số 12:

Only during the early twentieth century __________ in the United States.

Câu hỏi số 13:

After he left _______ University of Massachusetts, he went to __________  Indiana State University.

Câu hỏi số 14:

Given the strong determination of the new principal, cheating will ________ be stopped.

Câu hỏi số 15:

Do you often speak in front of a large audience?” “No. that’s why I felt  __________  when I spoke in front of my class last week.”

Câu hỏi số 16:

No one can decline the ______ of the Alaskan wilderness.

Câu hỏi số 17:

The river is just _____ in the dry season.

Câu hỏi số 18:

______ chicken are allowed to move around to feed naturally.

Câu hỏi số 19:

An animal perfectly in ______ with its environment is a perfect mechanism.

Câu hỏi số 20:

She spent the day preparing for her son’s __________ trip. He'd been away for a long time.

Câu hỏi số 21:

As its sales have increased, that computer company is going to ________ more staff.

Câu hỏi số 22:

He’ll be very upset if you turn __-____ his offer.

Câu hỏi số 23:

I have only had time to dip ________ the report.

Câu hỏi số 24:

“Let’s listen to this new CD.” “___ ”

Câu hỏi số 25:

“I saw the new Spielberg film last night.” “ ________ ”

Câu hỏi số 26:

“Do you mind if I borrow your plate?” “ _________ . Do you need only one?”

Câu hỏi số 27:

“Are you sure the match starts at two?” “___ ”

Câu hỏi số 28:

“How did the accident happen?” “__________ ”

Câu hỏi số 29:

“Hello. I'd like to speak to Mr. Green, please.” “ ________ ”

Câu hỏi số 30:

What time did the meeting end?” “_________ ”

Bài 139:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu hỏi số 1:

The word “Olympic” ________ from Olympian in Greece.

Câu hỏi số 2:

Prices____ considerably since this time last year.

Câu hỏi số 3:

By the year 2050, many people currently employed __________ their jobs.

Câu hỏi số 4:

_____  a famous personality has its advantages and its disadvantages.

Câu hỏi số 5:

 _____ he took off his dark glasses, I recognized him.

Câu hỏi số 6:

________ the weather forecast, it will rain heavily later this morning.

Câu hỏi số 7:

 “You'd better stop spending money, ______ you’ll end up in debt.”

Câu hỏi số 8:

 “Give her a telephone number to ring __________ she gets lost.”

Câu hỏi số 9:

There was a small room into ________ we all crowded.

Câu hỏi số 10:

Minh’s compositions are full of mistakes, but they are very __________  .

Câu hỏi số 11:

I find my boss difficult to work with - he is always __________ my idea.

Câu hỏi số 12:

Many modern refrigerators never need _______-_ .

Câu hỏi số 13:

Phil was sentenced to three years _________ for his part in the robbery.

Câu hỏi số 14:

Julia is being kept in an isolation ward because she is highly ____________ .

Câu hỏi số 15:

Don't put David in charge of arranging the theater trip; he’s too __________ .

Câu hỏi số 16:

The rhinoceros, whose numbers have dropped alarrningly recently, has been declared a(n) _________ species.  

Câu hỏi số 17:

Brighton is a famous __________ town on the South coast of England.

Câu hỏi số 18:

My friends have just moved to a new flat in the residential area on the _________ of Paris.  

Câu hỏi số 19:

My parents always_____ of my smoking. They even told me once it would stop me growing taller.

Câu hỏi số 20:

 “It’s not true. Hes ___________ a lot of nonsense!”

Câu hỏi số 21:

Don't believe a word Bob says. He’s a terrible __________ .

Câu hỏi số 22:

Many old people don’t like to change. They are very set in their _________ .

Câu hỏi số 23:

The old car is reliable; so far it hasn’t let me ________ .

Câu hỏi số 24:

The noise of the typewriter really _________ me off. I just couldn’t concentrate.

Câu hỏi số 25:

Many young people travel all over the world, and do all kinds of jobs before they ________ .

Câu hỏi số 26:

Tom: “Shall we go out tonight?” Jane: “ ____________ "

Câu hỏi số 27:

Nga: “I hear ‘The Golden Bridge’ is a very good Hoa: “ _____________ "

Câu hỏi số 28:

Minh: “What would you like to do at the weekend?” Phong: “ __________ "

Câu hỏi số 29:

Julia: “_____ ” Carol: “No, that's Helen’s.”

Câu hỏi số 30:

Mrs. Brovvn: “What is the matter with your son?” Mrs. Black: “__________ ”

Bài 140:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Câu hỏi số 1:

I decided to go to the library as soon as l________.

Câu hỏi số 2:

I’d rather you ______absent from the meeting yesterday. Things might have been different.

Câu hỏi số 3:

The replacement of shops such as the groceries’ and chemist’s by cafés_____the housewives with insufficient facilities for shopping

Câu hỏi số 4:

 He said that the plane had already left and that I _____ an hour earlier.

Câu hỏi số 5:

It’s essential that every student _______the exam before attending the course.

Câu hỏi số 6:

_____ be needed, the water basin would need to be dammed.

Câu hỏi số 7:

I have English classes ______day - on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Câu hỏi số 8:

Ancient Egyptians mummified their dead through the use of chemicals,_____ ancient Peruvians did through natural processes.

Câu hỏi số 9:

Please cut my hair ______the style in this magazine.

Câu hỏi số 10:

 She was ____she could not say anything.

Câu hỏi số 11:

So little______ about mathematics that the lecture was completely beyond me.

Câu hỏi số 12:

 _______so aggressive, we’d get on much better.

Câu hỏi số 13:

I studied English for four years in high school,______ had trouble talking with people when I was travelling in the US.

Câu hỏi số 14:

 _______in the street yesterday was very friendly.

Câu hỏi số 15:

Issues from price, promotion, and product are ______of marketing strategies’ planning, despite growing calls to expand the range of issues in today’s more complex world.

Câu hỏi số 16:

Carbon dioxide may be absorbed by trees or water bodies, or it may stay in the atmosphere when_____ , while it is only in the atmosphere that chloro fluoro carbons find their home.

Câu hỏi số 17:

_____in the atmosphere is the temperature falling below freezing.

Câu hỏi số 18:

 All ____is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.

Câu hỏi số 19:

There is a huge amount of________ associated with children’s TV shos nowadays.

Câu hỏi số 20:

It is difficult to_____ the exact meaning of an idiom in a foreign language.

Câu hỏi số 21:

Half of the children were away from school last week because of ______of influenza.

Câu hỏi số 22:

There seems to be a large_______between the number of people employed inservice industries and those employed in the primary sectors.

Câu hỏi số 23:

Deborah is going to take extra lessons to ______what she missed while she was away.

Câu hỏi số 24:

I haven’t come_____ any name for my little puppy.

Câu hỏi số 25:

British and Australian people share the same language, but in other aspects they are as different as_____

Câu hỏi số 26:

It's a formal occasion so we’ll have to ______ to the nines - no jeans and pullovers this time!

Câu hỏi số 27:

On the second thought, I believe I will go with you to the theater.

Câu hỏi số 28:

"_______", "Oh, thank you, just got it yesterday.”

Câu hỏi số 29:

“This grammar test is the hardest one we’ve ever had this semester! ”_______but I think it’s quite easy".

Câu hỏi số 30:

Jane: “Thank you for a lovely evening.” Barbara:_____

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